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Case study – No.2

How No.2 boosted monthly revenue by 6x with Packsmith

No. 2 Case Study
6x increase in monthly revenue
36% decrease in shipping costs
5 work hours saved team-wide each day

“With Packsmith, we're in a bit of a unique position — we're true partners in our success. They’re invested in our growth and do lots of things outside of scope to help make that happen, which has been so lovely.”

­- Jess Ruhfus, Founder & Director at No.2


No.2 is a toilet fragrance brand based out of Australia. Unlike common aerosol sprays, they avoid synthetic scents in favor of all-natural essential oils. Their refillable glass bottles provide customers with a post-flush perfume that is as stylish as it is effective.


No.2 needed affordable order fulfillment that could scale with its operations

No.2 started as a side hustle for its founder Jess Ruhfus, which meant she managed every aspect of her operations. But with a full-time job running another business, Jess knew it wasn’t feasible for her to manually pack every order, especially as No. 2 gained popularity. 

Recognizing the need for a solution that could scale with her business, Jess searched for 3PLs to handle fulfillment. But it was difficult to find one that fit her needs. Some 3PLs were hesitant to onboard the newer brand because it had lower sales volume than their other clients. Others moved too slowly and were unresponsive to her emails. As her options dwindled, she settled on an overpriced partner willing to take on her growing fulfillment needs.

While Jess was thrilled to have the time-consuming fulfillment processes off her plate, the 3PL wasn’t a profitable solution. Beyond high service rates, No.2 bounced between account managers, leading to delayed responses and miscommunications. Some orders were difficult to track and created customer inquiries, which put additional work on Jess as she built a reputable brand.

Rather than stick with a 3PL that wasn’t worth the cost, No.2 needed an affordable solution that could grow alongside its brand.

“Picking, packing, and shipping takes hours of time and quickly gets worse as you grow and have more stock. It was something that I was never interested in handling myself.”


Packsmith offers 24/7 support to help No.2 expand its brand efficiently

Since switching from a traditional 3PL to Packsmith’s distributed network, No.2 can now store inventory across more locations, so it’s closer to the brand’s end customer. Not only does this model reduce last mile costs, but it also eliminates high receiving and intake fees that come with a 3PL — unlocking higher profit margins.

With Packsmith, No.2 also has a dedicated account manager who handles all its customer inquiries. This single point of contact ensures that every incoming request is addressed swiftly on the brand’s behalf. And if Jess ever has questions, she knows who to contact for the answers.

Even better, Packsmith’s easy-to-use dashboard enables Jess to filter orders by product, customer, or order number, giving her more visibility into her operations. Photos from the fulfillment process confirm that every product was properly packed before shipping. This makes it simple to confirm accurate fulfillment and gives Jess complete control over what shows up at her customers’ doors.

“With Packsmith, I can focus on growing the business and take managing the fulfillment side 
off my plate. I can upload all my product information into their platform and get orders set to customers seamlessly.”


No.2 simplifies fulfillment with Packsmith, cutting shipping
costs by 36%

No.2 has unlocked new revenue and team bandwidth thanks to more profitable fulfillment operations.

Here are the results so far:

  • 6x increase in monthly revenue

  • 36% decrease in shipping costs

  • 5 hours saved team-wide each day

With a US launch in July 2024, No.2 is prepared to continue growing with valuable support from Packsmith.

“Packsmith has been a game changer for me. Their support with fulfillment is a huge time saver and I can’t imagine having to handle it myself.”